Fat dog’s owner sticks notes on its fur to let strangers know they need to stop giving it food because it has already been fed.
The corgi, allegedly named Tongtong, has begun getting fatter and fatter after deceiving random strangers to give it food as they sit down for a meal at a grocery store in the city of Nanning, in the Guangxi province in southern China.

Its owner, Ms Tang, told local media she had no choice but to start attaching sticky notes on its back to prohibit other people from unnecessarily feeding it.
According to Ms Tang, because there is a grocery store next door, the dog will run over every day when it smells the food, and watch other customers eat there.
Some customers also feed it for a long time, causing the dog to get fatter and fatter.
Greedy Tongtong has gained a lot of weight because of this and has stopped eating dog food.
So Ms Tang had no choice but to stick a “no feeding” warning on its fur.
She said: ” I hope it will also not eat too many people’s food because it is too salty and not very good for dogs.”

Videos shared by Ms Tang on Douyin – the Chinese version of TikTok – show her scolding her piggish corgi, which stands by customers’ tables waiting to get a mouthful.
Another video shows the few notes that were pasted on the dog’s back, with the words (in Chinese): “I lose weight, I don’t eat, my mother will beat me”, and “I don’t eat, I don’t eat, I don’t eat.”
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Story By: Simona Kitanovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Asia Wire Report
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