Baby Octopuses Hatch From Flower In Adorable Video


This delicate flower is actually a clutch of octopus eggs that are slowly seen hatching in a remarkable video.

Clipzilla obtained the footage from Virginia Aquarium and it boasts over 20,000 views on its Instagram account, along with a short caption: “It is common for an octopus to lay over one hundred eggs in its clutch to ensure at least one makes it to adulthood.”

As the little octopuses are born they quickly change colour in a remarkable display before then swimming away and out of view.

They said the video that had recently gone viral had actually been piquing people’s interest non-stop since its original release back in 2018.

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Story By: Simona Kitanovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

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