Haunted Castle Named World Heritage Site

A spooky German castle with its own pint-sized poltergeist has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The fairy-tale turrets of Schwerin Castle, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State, survived two world wars without a scratch.

The current castle, set romantically on an island, dates back nearly 200 years although for first fort was built there more than 1,000 years ago.

The castle is said to have its own tiny ghost called Petermannchen, or Little Peterman who roams the halls dressed in a cavalier’s outfit from the 17th century.

Only three feet tall the spook is said to be fond of practical jokes and legends say he stands watch as a protector against anyone out to steal from the castle.

Schwerin Castle now joins the ranks of the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, and the Pyramids of Giza after being elevated by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Image shows Schwerin Castle, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State, Germany, in undated photo. It was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. (Newsflash)

Schwerin mayor Rico Badenschier, 46, said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “This success was made possible through the combined efforts of civic and political engagement.

“With its decision today, UNESCO has recognised the Schwerin Residence Ensemble as an extraordinary cultural heritage of significance to humanity.

“Schwerin will become more visible on the world map and can leverage this international recognition for tourism and as a location factor.

“Naturally, this also brings with it a great responsibility for the preservation of the residence ensemble.”

World Heritage Promotion Association chairman Joachim Brenncke added: “For the Schwerin World Heritage Support Association, the inclusion of the Residence Ensemble on UNESCO’s World Heritage List is a remarkable event.

“It rewards the long-term and dedicated efforts of our association within the community.

“At the same time, it raises questions about how we will manage the responsibilities that come with this designation.

Image shows Schwerin Castle, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State, Germany, in undated photo. It was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. (Newsflash)

“As an association, this may lead to new goals for us, and we will address this accordingly.”

And Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Manuela Schwesig, 50, said: “What a success, what a lucky day for the state capital Schwerin, what a lucky day for all of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

“This decision is a great honour for us.”

Set in a picturesque lakeside location the castle was once home to the Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz took to X, formerly Twitter, and said: “Congratulations on becoming a World Heritage Site, Schwerin!”

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Story By: Georgina Jedikovska, Sub-Editor:  Georgina Jedikovska, Agency: Newsflash

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