Duck Family Walk Empty Florence Streets And Into Shop

This is the mother duck and her family of cute ducklings which have been spotted walking down the deserted streets of Florence and into a herbalist’s shop.

The startling images were taken by Florinda Noka, the owner of the herbalist’s shop next to the park San Donato, in the neighbourhood of Novoli, in the city of Florence, in the northern Italian region of Tuscany.

According to local newspaper Repubblica, the streets of Florence were empty due to the coronavirus quarantine in Italy and Noka said: “I was behind the desk, a client went out and I looked at the front and I saw the duck with the little duckings behind”.

Credit: Newsflash/Florinda Noka- P.erboristeriaherbasalus
The mum duck with the offsprings

She added: “It had never happened before, I think the silence of the city encouraged them to go out from the lake in the park. I offered them some biscuits but seems they were not hungry.”

She says that when she went back to the shop, she realised that the family had followed her, adding “it seems they were only curious to see what was going on inside.”

Images show the ducks walking into the entrance to the shop and down the pavement.

The shop owner says she took the family back to the park because she was scared they would try to cross the street by themselves.

The pictures, shared by the shop, have received a lot of comments from netizens, such as ‘Barbara Ensoli’ who said “too cute”.

‘Mariolina Mittica’ added: “Ah, a prestigious client! Congratulations”.

According to the latest figures from the Johns Hopkins University, Italy has 80,589 confirmed COIVD-19 cases with 8,215 deaths.

Credit: Newsflash/Florinda Noka- P.erboristeriaherbasalus
The mum duck with the offsprings

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Story By: Ana LacasaSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

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