Tibetan Bears Pick Up Climbing Pace After Hyped Female Tourist Starts Yelling At Them

Group of Tibetan bears speeding up their climb up a rock mountain after hearing a loud woman’s voice.

Smartphone footage captured near a motorway in China’s Tibet Autonomous Region depicted the four bears, reportedly a mum and her cubs, ascending the rocky terrain on 9th March.

But just seconds later they can be seen picking up their pace to the top after getting scared when a loud woman, seemingly driving in the area, suddenly yelled at them in an attempt to greet them.


The frightened animals can be seen repeatedly looking back to locate the source of the loud noise on their way up.

The clip triggered a wave of reactions by users on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, leaving them unable to hold back from commenting.

Douyin user ‘The world is worth it’ said: “The Tibetan bear, also known as the killer bear. You find it adorable, but it sees you as delicious.”

Then user ‘What should I eat?’ commented: “A mother was running for her life with her three children. She was scared when she saw people.”

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And ‘Nayan’ added: “It wouldn’t be cute if they chased you.”

The Tibetan brown bear (Ursus arctos pruinosus) is one of the rarest subspecies of bear In the world.

It is found mainly on the alpine eastern Tibetan plateau, in eastern Tibet, western China, Nepal, and occasionally in Bhutan.

A woman encounters four brown bears climbing a mountain together on a highway. In Tibet, China, undated. The woman shouted so loudly that the bears were so frightened that they ran away. (TB1314/AsiaWire)

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Story By: Georgina Jedikovska, Sub-Editor: Simona Kitanovska, Agency: Asia Wire Report

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