Read more about the article Police Probe Mystery Death Of Rare Ibis
Image shows Enea breeding on the windowsill of the Harley-Davidson dealership in Ruemlang, Switzerland, undated photo. The bird was found dead in Tuscany, Italy, on Mar. 17, 2024. (C. Esterer/Newsflash)

Police Probe Mystery Death Of Rare Ibis

An endangered northern bald Ibis being used in a programme to revive the vanishingly rare breed in Europe has been killed by poachers, police in Italy believe. Wildlife experts are…

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Read more about the article Scientists Revive Stone Age Molecules From Neanderthal Tooth Plaque
Image shows dental calculus (tooth tartar), undated photo. It preserves DNA over millennia, providing unprecedented information about the biodiversity and functional capabilities of ancient microbes. (Werner Siemens Foundation, Felix Wey/Newsflash)

Scientists Revive Stone Age Molecules From Neanderthal Tooth Plaque

Scientists have revived Stone Age microbes from 100,000-year-old Neanderthal teeth that they say could be a breakthrough in the hunt for new antibiotics. The microbes have been isolated from plaque…

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Read more about the article Driver Kills Mum-Of-Two Rider And Horse In Smash
Image shows a destroyed vehicle, undated photo. The driver of the car crashed it into rider Martina K., 61, and her horse in the district of Harburg, in Hamburg, Germany on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. (Newsflash)

Driver Kills Mum-Of-Two Rider And Horse In Smash

A mother of two was killed when a 76-year-old SUV driver ploughed into her and her horse as she rode beside a country lane in Germany. Victim Martina K.'s white…

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Read more about the article Family Tried To Bring Rotting Corpse Back To Life With Prayer
Picture shows Las Brenas, Argentina, undated. Gaston Claudio Chavez, 24, died and his family kept the body for 3 days in a bedroom as they believed that they could resuscitate him by praying, in the city. (Google Maps/Newsflash)

Family Tried To Bring Rotting Corpse Back To Life With Prayer

A religious family has been quizzed by police after they kept praying over a son's decomposing body for three days in an attempt to revive him. Gaston Claudio Chaves, 24,…

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Read more about the article British Man Dies While Swimming In Swiss Lake
Picture shows Vorderer Schwendisee, Switzerland, undated. A 43-year-old unidentified Briton died here in a swimming accident, on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022. (Kantonspolizei St. Gallen/Newsflash)

British Man Dies While Swimming In Swiss Lake

A British man died while trying to swim towards a platform in the middle of a Swiss lake. The tragedy took place on the small lake of Schwendisee in St.…

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