Read more about the article Keepers Reveal How They Feed 500 Animals Their Perfect Diet
Image shows freshly prepared food and vegetable for the animals at the Zurich Zoo, Switzerland, undated photo. They get delivered to the tropical Masoala rainforest enclosure three times a week. (Zurich Zoo, Daniel Egger/Newsflash)

Keepers Reveal How They Feed 500 Animals Their Perfect Diet

Zoo keepers in Switzerland have given a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the mind bug-ling menu demands of hundreds of animals in their rainforest enclosure. 11,000 square metre (118,400 square feet) enclosure…

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Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes Three Endangered Megabat Young In Rainforest Enclosure
Image shows the large flying fox offspring at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, in the city of Vienna, Austria, undated photo. The species is listed as 'endangered' on IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Zoo Welcomes Three Endangered Megabat Young In Rainforest Enclosure

Officials at the oldest zoo in the world have been thrilled with the recent birth of three endangered megabat in the rainforest enclosure. The three large flying fox offspring sent…

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