Read more about the article Aspiring Italian Model Dies Of Anorexia Aged 17 After Diet Of Boiled Water
The young Giulia Scaffidi (17) from Italy, who was suffering of anorexia for three years, died after she had come to weigh 26 kilos. (@giuliascaffidii/Newsflash)

Aspiring Italian Model Dies Of Anorexia Aged 17 After Diet Of Boiled Water

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This aspiring young Italian model has died of anorexia aged just 17 after a diet that consisted largely of boiled water. Giulia Scaffidi went into a coma at 5am on…

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Read more about the article Paid Leave For Workers To Mourn The Death Of Beloved Pets Proposed By Colombian Congressman
Alejandro Carlos Chacon, a representative in Congress filed a bill for a law to grant two days of paid leave in mourning to workers for the death of their pets, in Colombia, in September, 2021.

Paid Leave For Workers To Mourn The Death Of Beloved Pets Proposed By Colombian Congressman

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Workers are to be given two days' paid leave if their pets die in a bill put forward in Colombia. Alejandro Carlos Chacon, 48, of the Colombian Liberal Party, brought…

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