Priest Says No Point In Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral

This is the preachy padre who believes there is ‘no point’ in rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral if it will mainly function as a tourist sight.

The medieval Catholic cathedral in the French capital Paris suffered significant damage during the devastating blaze that hit the headlines on Monday evening, causing the collapse of both the spire and the oak roof.

Credit: CEN
The priest wrote: “I don’t see the point of rebuilding Notre Dame if it is to be just an open-air museum or museum for tourists, not a place of prayer”

World leaders and online commentators have pledged their support to the Parisian authorities, however one Polish priest was slightly less sympathetic.

Janusz Chyla, 52, from the parish of Chojnice in the northern Polish region of Pomeranian Voivodeship, wrote on social media: “I don’t see the point in rebuilding Notre Dame if it is just going to become a museum for tourists.

Credit: CEN
The roof of the cathedral have completely burnt

“They need to rebuild faith so that it can withstand any fire”.

Meanwhile, the French authorities have already announced plans to renovate the Gothic cathedral.

President Emmanuel Macron said: “Notre Dame is our history, our literature, part of our psyche, the place of great events, our epidemics, our wars, our liberations, the epicentre of our lives.

“We will rebuild it together.”

Polish President Andrzej Duda said: “People are already willing to donate to the reconstruction of Notre Dame.

Credit: CEN
One of the towers collapsed as a result of fire

“I am convinced that the renovation of the cathedral can become a symbol of the reconstruction of Europe. The reconstruction of Europe on its true, historical, Judeo-Christian foundations.”

Meanwhile, some netizens agreed with Father Chyla’s controversial remarks on the need for Notre Dame to become a true place of worship again.

Social media user ‘Professor Niezwyczajny’ commented: “I agree. Originally, the church was about people not buildings. 

‘Waski’ said: “Dear Father Chyla, I believe that it will mark the reconstruction of France as a nation.”

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Story By: Bartosz Staszewski, Sub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Central European News


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