Patent For Space-To-Earth Orbiting Energy Plant

Russian scientists have been granted a patent for a solar power station which would orbit the Earth from space and transmit its energy back to the planet using microwaves.

The scientists from the Radio Engineering Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences located in the Russian capital Moscow have been granted the patent by the country’s Federal Service for Intellectual Property.

According to the information shared on the official web page of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, this variant of transferring electricity will make it possible to establish electricity supplies to even the most remote areas, such as Antarctica.

According to the document, scientists are proposing to deploy a space solar power station at an altitude of 300 to 1,000 kilometres (186 to 620 miles) and, when flying above the ground receiving point, the station would transmit the energy stored in the batteries of the power plant to the receiving point through microwaves.

It goes on: “(…) the Earth’s energy supply from space can: “Ensure the transfer of energy directly to its areas of consumption and, especially to hard-to-reach and high-latitude areas, without the organisation of long-distance power transmission lines.”

It adds that additionally, it aims to be environmentally friendly and “reduce the use of hydrocarbon fuel, the production and burning of which harmfully affect the biosphere.”

The energy produced by the station would be better for the environment than fossil fuels, according to reports.

The Russian patent indicates a similar American patent in 1971, in which the idea of creating a solar space power station was first put forward.

The power plant put forward in 1971 was proposed to be placed in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometres (22,370 miles), which would allow it to be almost always on the same part of the Earth’s surface and thereby ensure a constant transfer of energy to the Earth.

However, in this case, the receiving station would be located at the equator. The Russian proposal makes it possible to transfer energy to other regions of the Earth as well.

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Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor:  Joseph Golder,  Agency: Newsflash

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