Kind Workers Save Stray Dogs In Minus 10 Celsius After 2 Puppies Died

These images show a concerned dog watching her puppies being cared for by kind petrol station workers after the stray animal gave birth in the street in minus 10 degrees Celsius and two offspring died.

The kindhearted gesture took place at a petrol station in the district of Malkara in the north-western Turkish province of Tekirdag.

The stray dog, named Sari (Yellow), gave birth to four puppies in the street in freezing conditions, and two of the youngsters died, according to the news site Haberler.

The two puppies of the dog, that gave birth on the street at minus 10 degrees Celcius in Tekirdag, Turkey. (Newsflash)

Petrol station worker Ilknur Ide noticed the dogs struggling in the freezing cold and went to help. She wrapped the two surviving puppies in a coat and took them to the office to warm them up inside.

Images show the concerned mum dog peering through the window at her two pups inside the office before joining them and taking care of them on a desk.

Ilknur said she warmed up the dogs and offered them milk to build up their strength.

The two puppies of the dog, that gave birth on the street at minus 10 degrees Celcius in Tekirdag, Turkey. (Newsflash)

She explained: “While we were serving customers on the forecourt, our station dog Yellow came over to us, trying to tell us something.

“I did not understand what she wanted so I followed her to her home and there were four puppies there. Unfortunately, two of them had died from the cold.

“We helped the other two, we took them to our staffroom and kept them warm.”

Ilknur said the dogs were later taken to a nearby animal shelter for care.

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Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor: William McGee,  Agency: Newsflash

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