Firefighters Save Dying Kitten With Mouth-To-Mouth

This is the heart-touching moment when two firefighters bring a tiny kitten back from the brink of death using CPR and the kiss of life.

The stray has been stuck in a flooded pipe in a house in Santa Maria, Brazil, when the homeowner called the emergency services on 26th February.

But just moments after the puss was freed, it suddenly went into cardiac arrest after choking on water in the pipe.

Amazing footage of the kitten’s fight for life shows one firefighter gently applying CPR to its tiny chest.


At the same time, he blows air gently down into the kitten’s mouth as it lies flat on its back.

Astonishingly after two minutes, the young cat’s paws begin to twitch and it opens its mouth.

Finally – to relieved sighs from the rescuers – it opens its eyes and staggers to its feet.

And the happy ending was made even better when the house owner decided to keep the kitten and give it a home.

Firefighter heart massages a kitten during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in Santa Maria, Brazil on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023. The kitten was rescued from a rainwater pipe in a house. (@cbmdf/Newsflash)
A kitten starts breathing after mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and heart massage from firefighters in Santa Maria, Brazil on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023. They rescued the kitten from a rainwater pipe in a house. (@cbmdf/Newsflash)

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