Eye Of Sauron Appears In Night Sky Above Russian Town

This huge orange glow in the night sky above a Russian town has startled local residents with many comparing it to the Eye of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings.

This bright orange slit in the sky was photographed in the town of Kstovo in the western Russian region of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast on 7th January.

According to Newsroom24, spooked residents shared images of the mysterious night light on social media, sparking speculation as to what it could be.

Many netizens were curious about where the light was coming from with some even comparing it to the Eye of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings.

VK user ‘Alexander Semyonov’ commented: “It’s a UFO!”

The fact it happened on the Russian Christmas Day prompted ‘Vladimir Pigalov’ to remark: “This is the brightest candle on Christmas night.”

However, not all the suggestions were as far-fetched with some speculating that it was caused by a spotlight from the Lukoil refinery plant.

Representatives of the oil company, which was mentioned on social networks, did not comment on the incident.

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

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