This cute mutant puppy has been born in Russia with five paws.
The incident was confirmed by veterinary officials from the Russian Transbaikal region where the puppy was born.
The fifth paw on the tiny black puppy starts at the knee joint and can apparently move independently of the other.
They said that the fifth paw makes it difficult for the puppy to walk but it still manages okay.
The puppy’s owner, Tatiana Terentyeva from the village of Aleksandrovsky Zavod, said: “Despite the extra paw, he’s very active, smart and loving. I treat him like my baby, I pamper him a lot and we are really very attached to each other now.”
She added: “I have named him Kid. He was one of three and I didn’t initially realise that he had an extra paw until a little while later.”
Veterinary officials said they offered to remove the extra paw, which they said could be done without risk to the animal, however, the owner is worried that it could still die under anaesthetic, and as a result, she has so far refused the operation.
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Story By: Amelia Guran, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
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