Cops Mounted On Horses Join Salsa Class In Local Park

This is the moment a couple of police officers come across a group having a salsa class in a local park – and end up joining in while still mounted on their horses.

The footage was shot at the Zuiderpark in The Hague, Netherlands, where the police officers were on patrol making sure the coronavirus restrictions were being upheld.

When they arrived, after noticing that social distancing seemed to be properly employed by those taking part, the police decided to join in despite being on horseback.

Credit: Newsflash/@fieke.vanderharst via @bob.bogaard

In the clip, the cops and their horses can be seen dancing as they spin in circles in time with the music and the other dancers.

According to local media, the class took place in the park because many indoor classes have been cancelled as a result of the restrictions introduced amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Dance teacher Salsadanser Fieke shared a video of the dance party on their Facebook page, saying: “Two police officers on horseback came by and decided to join the dance! Great and what enthusiasm.

Credit: Newsflash/@fieke.vanderharst via @bob.bogaard
Cops dancing on horses

She added: “This has to be shared, right?”

It is unclear for how long the class took place or whether the officers remained at the event for its duration.

The Netherlands has suffered badly from the COVID-19 crisis, however, they have begun lifting lockdown measures in recent weeks as part of a staged return to normal life.

Credit: Newsflash/@fieke.vanderharst via @bob.bogaard
Cops dancing on horses

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Story By: Delano Langras, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Newsflash

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