Read more about the article Archaeologists Reveal How Conquistadors Destroyed Town After Natives Sacrificed 450 Prisoners
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Archaeologists Reveal How Conquistadors Destroyed Town After Natives Sacrificed 450 Prisoners

Archaeologists have revealed the grim details of how Spanish conquistadors destroyed a pre-Hispanic city in the New World as revenge for the natives sacrificing 450 prisoners they took from a…

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Read more about the article Israel Cops Uncover Huge Loot Of Antiques Robbed From Graves
Extraordinary artifacts recovered during a joint operation of the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel Police, and the Israel Tax Authority

Israel Cops Uncover Huge Loot Of Antiques Robbed From Graves

The Israeli Authorities have recovered a huge loot of stolen antiques from several continents, most of which are believed to have been robbed from graves. The operation took place after…

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Read more about the article Bird Mess And Rat Droppings Removed From Wall Of Historic Egyptian King
Egypt’s Tourism and Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anany while attending the reopening of the tomb of King Ramses l in Egypt

Bird Mess And Rat Droppings Removed From Wall Of Historic Egyptian King

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Egyptian officials have reopened the tomb of Ramses I after it was neglected and ended up covered with bat droppings and bird mess. The renovation and restoration work was carried…

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