This was the scene after a 16-year-old girl jumped to her death following an online poll in which 69 percent of her social media ‘friends’ voted for her to take her own life.
The teenager was found dead in the city of Kuching, in the Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, after asking her Instagram followers: “Really Important, Help Me Choose D/L.”
Police spokesman Supt Aidil Bolhassan said it was believed that ‘D’ stood for ‘death’ while ‘L’ represented ‘life’.
He added: “As many as 69 per cent of the teenager’s Instagram friends had supported the decision for her to kill herself via a voting poll…”
She had also reportedly posted a Facebook status update in which she said: “Wanna quit f*cking life, I’m tired.”
Supt Bolhassan said the teenager, whose name has not been released, appeared to have jumped from the third floor of a shopping centre.
Her body was found by a member of the public who reported the shocking discovery to cops at a police station in the Batu Kawa area of the city.
Supt Bolhassan added that it was believed the girl had been depressed because of family problems.
She had been unhappy about not seeing her stepfather since he had married a Vietnamese woman and rarely returned home, he explained.
Police do not believe anybody else was involved in the teenager’s death. Her body has been taken to the Sarawak General Hospital Forensic Department for a postmortem.
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Story By: Simon Glover, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig,  Agency: Asia Wire Report