Read more about the article World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable White-Nosed Coati Kittens For The First Time
Image shows the adorable coati kittens, undated photo. They were born at the Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria, in March 2024. (Daniel Zupanc/Newsflash)

World’s Oldest Zoo Shows Off Adorable White-Nosed Coati Kittens For The First Time

The world's oldest zoo has shown its charming white-nosed coati kittens to visitors for the first time since their spring birth. Footage from Schoenbrunn Zoo, in Vienna, Austria, showed the…

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Read more about the article Twins Babies Surprise Medics Being Born At Different Sizes
Picture shows twin babies born with a difference of one kilogramme and five centimetres in length, undated. They were born on Wednesday, June 12, in Florianopolis, Brazil, and twins remain hospitalized. ( Hospital da Ilha/Newsflash)

Twins Babies Surprise Medics Being Born At Different Sizes

A baby boy was born in an extremely rare and unusual birth when he came out still inside an amniotic sac and weighing one kilo less than his twin. The…

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Read more about the article Premature Quadruplets Delivered By C-Section In Germany
Photo shows Dr. med. Claudia Kern, a senior obstetrician at the Altona Perinatal Center, undated. Quadruplets was born at the Asklepios Clinic Altona in Hamburg, Germany, on March 14, 2024. (Asklepios/Newsflash)

Premature Quadruplets Delivered By C-Section In Germany

Four premature quadruplets have been delivered by C-section in Germany. The babies, named Aman, Awan, Arina and Arin, were born last Thursday, 14th March, at the Altona Children's Hospital in…

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Read more about the article Mums’ Moods Influence Their Babies Ability To Talk
Image shows the city of Leipzig, Germany where the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences is headquartered, undated photo. Scientists from the institute claimed that the mother's mood influences her baby's ability to speak in a study published on Sept. 21, 2022. (Stadt Leipzig/Newsflash)

Mums’ Moods Influence Their Babies Ability To Talk

Mothers who develop postnatal baby blues can influence their children's ability to talk, a new study has revealed. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences…

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