Read more about the article Found Mobile Could Be Key To How Missing Scientology Girl Died
Image shows Yolanda Klug, 23, undated photo. Her remains were found in a forest near the town of Freyburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Newsflash)

Found Mobile Could Be Key To How Missing Scientology Girl Died

A mobile phone belonging to a woman who disappeared on her way to IKEA three years ago has been recovered by police. Investigators found the device next to bones identified…

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Read more about the article Bones Of Pretty Former Scientologist Who Disappeared Three Years Ago Found In Forest
Image shows Yolanda Klug, 23, undated photo. Her remains were found in a forest near the town of Freyburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Newsflash)

Bones Of Pretty Former Scientologist Who Disappeared Three Years Ago Found In Forest

The remains of a beautiful student who fled the Scientologist sect where all of her family were key members have been found in a German forest after she disappeared three…

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Read more about the article German Police Raid Climate Activists’ Homes Over Damaged Property At Art Gallery
Image shows Rafael's Sistine Madonna, undated photo. Two Last Generation activists glued themselves to the painting's frame in the Dresden Zwinger museum in Germany on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022. (Newsflash)

German Police Raid Climate Activists’ Homes Over Damaged Property At Art Gallery

German police have raided the homes of climate activists suspected of having damaged property at an art gallery. The raids, which took part today (24th November), as part of a…

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Read more about the article Seven Kilos Of Rhino Horn Found In False Bottom Box
The 16 pieces of rhino horns weighing 6.7 kilos (14.9 lbs) which were attempted to be smuggled in the German city of Dresden. (Zoll/Newsflash)

Seven Kilos Of Rhino Horn Found In False Bottom Box

Customs officers uncovered nearly seven kilos of horn from critically endangered black rhino being trafficked through a German airport. The sickening haul - worth more than GBP 340,000 on the…

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Read more about the article Dinosaur Extinction Slowed Down Evolution Of New Plants
The large, woody fruits of the Manicaria saccifera palm that depend on large animals for their dispersal. (John Dransfield, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew/Newsflash)

Dinosaur Extinction Slowed Down Evolution Of New Plants

The extinction of dinosaur had a significant impact on the development of plants, a new study has shown. Experts at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) in the…

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Read more about the article Scientists Race to Find Cause of Alarming Polar Heatwave
View of the German-French research base AWIPEV in Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen, observatory with the KARL lidar system, laser beam leaves the observatory through the lidar hatch. (Newsflash)

Scientists Race to Find Cause of Alarming Polar Heatwave

An international research campaign involving over 100 scientists from 12 countries has begun investigating the dramatic warming in the Arctic - estimated at two to three degrees Centigrade - over…

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Read more about the article Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study
University of Leipzig biologist and sub-project leader in the Collaborative Research Center 1052 "Mechanisms of Obesity" Dr Veronica Witte who investigates obesity causes, prevention and therapy in Germany. (Kerstin Flake/Newsflash)

Podgy Middle-Agers Have Higher Risk of Dementia Says Study

Overweight middle-aged people have a higher risk of suffering from dementia at an advanced age, a German study shows. PD Dr Veronica Witte, 41, is a biologist at Leipzig University.…

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Read more about the article Electric Brain Shocks Could Help Stroke Victims Recover Say Scientists
People affected by a stroke are often unable to use their arm at all or only to a very limited extent according to the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences located in the German city of Leipzig. (MPI CBS/Newsflash)

Electric Brain Shocks Could Help Stroke Victims Recover Say Scientists

German researchers have discovered that paralysed stroke victims could recover significant mobility after receiving electric current to their brains Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain…

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Read more about the article German Doctor Sparks Outrage By Refusing To Treat Unvaccinated Patients
The notice on the door of the doctors office that the doctor only treats vaccinated patients, in Leipzig , Germany, in December, 2021. (Newsflash)

German Doctor Sparks Outrage By Refusing To Treat Unvaccinated Patients

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A German doctor has sparked outrage after announcing that his practice will only treat patients who have had the jab or who have recently recovered from COVID-19. The doctor, name…

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