T-Rex Spotted Walking Beagle During Lockdown

This is the moment a man in a T-Rex outfit takes his pet beagle for a walk in a bizarre attempt to prevent himself from catching coronavirus.

The scene was recorded by an onlooker in the city of Kota Kinabalu in the Malaysian state of Sabah and later posted onto social media.

In the video, a man who has not been named in reports can be seen walking his pet beagle whilst dressed in a T-Rex outfit, in what local media report appears to be a precaution against coronavirus.

Video Credit: Newsflash/@samantha.wilhelmina

Another clip taken in Malaysia shows influencer and local actress Betty Rahmad celebrating her birthday by doing her shopping in a similar dinosaur outfit.

She can be seen with a face mask on under the outfit and she wrote online: “Even though I am sad that vegetables, ginger, turmeric, onions, milk and everything else has been swiped clean, I’m happy because I believe I made many smile and be entertained today, on my birthday. Especially those that are willing to come into work at the supermarket.

“So it looks like tomorrow I’d have to go to another supermarket to find the things I didn’t get today. You won’t be surprised to see a dinosaur shopping again tomorrow. Gosh, why did all of you have to panic buy?”

Malaysia is currently under lockdown with citizens only allowed to buy necessary food and medicine while pet owners can take dogs out for short walks.

Video Credit: Newsflash/@bettyrahmad

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Story By: Alex CopeSub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash

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