This is the howl they get there moment when astonished customs inspectors pull a pair of stuffed coyotes out of packing cases.
Officials at Bogota’s El Dorado International Airport in Colombia found the wild dogs encased in bubble wrap inside air freight packages.
Bizarre evidence video footage shows both coyotes being unboxed and unwrapped before officers carry out a manual inspection looking for concealed contraband.
Finally, the prairie wolves are posed in an incredibly lifelike position on an inspection bench as the clip ends.
Local media reports say an inspection revealed the packages had no authority to import stuffed wild animals and police are now tracking down the receiver.
Airport police said in a statement on X: “Bogota will not become the destination of illegal trafficking in species.
“In a joint operation with the District Secretariat of Environment, we seized two taxidermed coyotes in controls at El Dorado International Airport.
“These specimens had no permits to be transported.”
It is not reported which country the packages came from.
To find out more about the author, editor or agency that supplied this story – please click below. Story By: Clive Goodman, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
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