Study Shows People Have Banned Pesticides In Urine

A shocking study has revealed that 100 percent of people tested in a study including people eating mostly organic produce had banned and dangerous pesticides in their urine.

The study conducted by the Gesundheitstipp (‘Health Tip’) magazine in Switzerland shockingly found that dangerous, carcinogenic, banned and soon-to-be-banned products like the controversial weed killer glyphosate, as well as chlorpyrifos and naphthalene were all found in the participants’ urine samples.

The study analysed the urine from 30 people all over Switzerland and their samples were tested for 60 pesticides.

With each and every participant, the results showed the presence of some of these products, and with one unnamed 31-year-old woman, they found 17 of them.

Credit: CEN
Joelle Ruegg, professor at the Swedish University of Uppsala

A 3-year-old boy from Zurich, also unnamed, had no less than 11 pesticides in his urine sample.

Residues of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, which is used to help farm citrus fruits, for example, was found to be present in the urine of all the participants. The insecticide was banned in Switzerland last July and across the EU in February.

It is believed to be potentially harmful to the brains of newborn babies.

Glyphosate, the controversial weed killer that regularly makes international headlines, was found in nearly a third of all the samples.

One might assume that the participants had poor diets were it not for the fact that 13 of them had been eating mostly food labelled as ‘organic’ for a whole week before taking the test.

For biologist Caspar Bijleveld, the results are terrifying: “The result shows that you cannot avoid the toxic substances – even if you follow an organic diet. The industry quickly launches new crop protection products and 20 years later you realise that they are dangerous and take them off the market. It has been going on like this since the 1970s.”

He added: “The problem is the cocktail effect: nobody knows whether the substances in the body become stronger when they interact. We have no idea what the long-term consequences are or whether these cocktails are carcinogenic because they have never been tested.”

Pesticide researcher Joelle Ruegg, a professor at the Swedish University of Uppsala, said: “People are constantly exposed to an excessive amount of chemicals.”

She also agreed that the Compton effect was the biggest concern saying: “When they work together, the effect is much greater.”

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Story By: Joseph Golder, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News

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