Shocked Customs Cops Find Croc Head In Luggage

This is the crocodile shock moment customs officers open up a passenger’s bag and find the head of the man-eating predator grinning up at them.

Police spotted a baffling image as the bag went through a scanner at Nanjing Lukou Airport, Jiangsu Province, eastern China, on 30th December (2024).

To their horror, when they opened it up they found the entire head of a croc with its massive jaws gaping open.

Customs service video footage of the creepy discovery shows the officers pulling the neatly-wrapped head, which weighed nearly a kilo, out of a wad of tissue paper.

A passenger illegally carrying a crocodile head was caught by customs in Nanjing, China, on Dec.30, 2024. (AWR/newsX)

The passenger, who had been on an incoming flight, had tried to get the reptile’s remains through the airport’s ‘nothing to declare’ channel.

Many crocodiles are protected under the international CITES regulations on trafficking endangered species.

Animal trafficking is also banned under Chinese law to import or export wild or endangered species without official permits.

It is prohibited to trade, carry, or post endangered species and their products into and out of the country, reports local media.

Customs officials confiscated the croc head while experts are understood to be checking which species it comes from.

A passenger illegally carrying a crocodile head was caught by customs in Nanjing, China, on Dec.30, 2024. (AWR/newsX)

To find out more about the author, editor or agency that supplied this story – please click below. Story By: Clive Goodman, Sub-Editor: Simona Kitanovska, Agency: Newsflash

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