This is the moment a workman clings to a broken rope for dear life 17 storeys up after his safety harness snaps and he almost plunges to his death.
The construction worker in the city of Liupanshui, which is in south-western China’s Guizhou Province, was working on the outside of a high-rise residential tower when the accident happened.
The fire service was called to the scene on 30th June and video shows the rescuers finding the workman desperately holding on to his broken safety rope, which is fortunately still fixed to the roof.

Fireman Huang Yong is sent over the roof edge and abseils to the worker’s location 17 storeys up before attaching another safety harness around him.
The lucky worker is then pulled to safety shortly afterwards, bringing an end to his heart-stopping ordeal.
Huang said: “While repairing the outer wall, he was sitting on top when one end of the old rope broke.

“He immediately began falling to the ground, but he’s young and has quick reactions, so he managed to grab the rope.
“He hung there for about six or seven minutes until we arrived and rescued him. There were around five to six people pulling him up on the roof.”
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Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
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