Mum Stole 25K To Help Spotty Gamer Son Get A Life

A mum who wanted her spotty son to stop playing computer games and find a girlfriend has narrowly avoided jail after stealing thousands from her employer to spend on expensive acne creams.

According to the 40 year old woman, the money she stole from her employer did the trick, and her son eventually emerged with his clear skin which restored his confidence, helped him get a girlfriend and land a good place at a local college.

But now the fraud has been discovered he has another problem, after his mum was revealed to his college mates as a criminal after she was convicted of stealing 25,000 GBP for his acne cream.

Credit: CEN/NadezhdaAmiraslanova
Nadezhda Amiraslanova

The unnamed woman said that over-the-counter creams and potions did not help her 20-year-old gamer son’s skin condition and only expensive cosmetics made any difference.

The woman, who used to work as a company accountant in the city of Novosibirsk in the south-central Russian region of Novosibirsk Oblast, added that she also has to care for her elderly mother and had no extra cash without the money she took.

Reports said that she stole 2 million RUB (24,650 GBP) from a council funded art school project for kids where she worked over a four-year period. The missing cash was discovered when the mayor’s office ordered an audit. She had been raising her monthly 300 GBP salary to between 370 and 600 GBP as well as occasionally adding on bonuses.

A criminal case was launched in January 2019.

The woman said: “I am raising my son on my own. His father left us and never paid a penny in child support.”

As well as doing her utmost to cure her son’s skin condition, her son identified only by his name Dmitry lives a full-fledged life, studies at one of the colleges of Novosibirsk and works part time. He has also had a girlfriend now for the past year.

Police spokesperson Yaroslav Vlasov said: “In total, the 40-year-old woman stole around 2 million RUB (24,650 GBP) over four years.

“After her arrest, she did not agree with the total sum, but later fully admitted her guilt.”

This month, the mother received a three-year suspended sentence after more than 30 colleagues wrote positive statements about her good standing.

She has also been instructed to pay back all the money which her mother is helping her with, and she is currently looking for a new job after being dismissed by her previous company.

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Story By:  Gheorghi CaraseniSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Central European News

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