Mischievous Panda Cub Interrupts Mum’s Peaceful Bamboo Snack

The adorable video showcases a mischievous panda cub interrupting her mum’s peaceful bamboo snack and refusing to let her enjoy it in peace.

Footage from Moscow Zoo, Russia, shows Katyusha, the first giant panda to be born in the country. Playfully wrestling with her mum and refusing to let her savour the bamboo on 28th December.

General Director of the Moscow Zoo Svetlana Akulova said in a statement obtained by Clipzilla: “Mum eats, but her daughter wants to play! What a mismatch.”

Moscow Zoo, CZ/newsX

Katyusha, born in August 2023 to parents Zhui and Ding Ding, was the first giant panda cub ever to be delivered in the country.

Akulova announced the zoo’s plans to reunite the parents in 2026 for a second mating attempt.

Pandas Zhui and Ding Ding came to the Moscow Zoo in 2019 in honour of the 70th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Russia and China.

The staff spent several months training in a Chinese nursery to learn how to care for pandas properly.

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Story By: Georgina JedikovskaSub-EditorGeorgina JedikovskaAgency: Newsflash

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