A scientist has won an award for an invention that could lead to whey, a by-product obtained during the production of cheese, being converted into an aviation bio-fuel.
Polish boffin Piotr Oleskowicz-Popiel, 30, was awarded with a AgroBioTop award, founded by pharmaceutical giant Bayer, and 5,000 EUR (4,500 GBP) in prize money by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

He wanted to find a new use for ‘acid whey’, also known as sour whey, which is produced during the making of acid types of dairy products, such as cottage cheese or strained yogurt.
Unlike sweet whey, which is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained to make hard cheeses, it has few commercial uses and is usually flushed away as sewage.
Dr Oleskowicz-Popiel realised that Poland produced vast quantities of acid whey and thought it had the potential to be used as a bio-fuel.
With help of colleagues he developed a process based on the fermentation of methane, a greenhouse gas predominantly found in cow farts.

He used it to produce hexanoic acid, also known as caproic acid, a colorless, oily liquid which smells like sweaty cheese.
The inventor explained: “Hexanoic acid can be widely used and when properly refined it can become a bio-fuel, and ultimately even an aviation fuel. This is, for now, a distant goal, but we strive to achieve it.
“The AgroBio Top award is for me one of the most important awards and appreciation for several years of intensive work”.
Dr Oleskowicz-Popiel added that he believed his invention would have a wide field of applications that could have huge significance for Polish business, agriculture and ecology.
His idea will be further developed as it has obvious commercial potential. The technology could also be useful for the disposal of other waste from the agri-food industry.
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Story By: Bartosz Staszewski, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News