Gas Shortage Could Close Crematoriums And Leave Cemeteries Unable To Meet Demand

German crematoriums may have to close down over winter because of fears they may not have enough gas because of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Crematorium officials are reportedly increasingly worried after Russia reduced the amount of gas it supplies to Europe through the crucial Nord Stream 1 pipeline last week.

Fearful of the rising gas prices and exploding costs the managers are worried that in the worst case they may even have to shut down, as reported in German newspaper Bild on Monday, 3rd October.

Head of the city of Dresden’s municipal cemeteries Robert Arnrich, 53, said: “We are not part of the system-relevant Priority 1, so we would then no longer get any gas.”

Image shows a cremation process, undated photo. Crematoria in Germany have been facing problems because of the ongoing gas crisis. (Newsflash)

He explained that in such cases, planned cremations in the district of Tolkewitz, Dresden and Saxony would not take place.

Arnrich added: “Even if half of them are not working, we will still have a problem – just like all the other 160 crematoriums in Germany.”

He claimed that the city’s cemeteries were even less prepared for the problems that increased demand would bring as they do not have sufficient space to deal with it.

Adding that burial as an alternative is also much more expensive, Arnrich explained: “It is also a question of respecting a person’s last wish.

“Ninety per cent of the deceased opt for cremation. Simply ignoring this wish would be undignified.”

Crematoriums in Germany continued operating instead of reducing the legally prescribed temperature in August, 2022.

They instead switched off some ovens, while keeping others fully operational so they do not cool down and require more gas to be reheated.

Chairman of the Federal Association of Funeral Needs e.V. Christian Greve, said: “The continuous operation of a crematorium is significantly more environmentally friendly than lowering the temperature.

“For ecological reasons, falling below the legally prescribed temperature for cremation makes less sense and does not necessarily save gas.”

Image shows an areal view of the city of Dresden, Germany, undated photo. Head of Dresden municipal cemeteries Robert Arnrich, 53, reported that crematories in the country might face gas problems during the winter. (Newsflash)

Greve explained that multi-shift operation is more environmentally friendly and comparatively resource-saving and said: “In multi-shift operation, cremation systems heat up less often and use less gas accordingly.

“With a 24/7 operation, consumption is almost zero.”

According to Greve reduction of the afterburning chamber’s temperature under 850 centigrade is not an option because “if it falls below, odours and emissions develop that are released into the air as environmental toxins.”

He concluded: “It cannot be said in general that a reduction in the gas will at the end of the day save gas.”

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Story By: Georgina Jadikovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

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