Evil Laughing Poachers Pose With Rare Leopards Corpse

These are the images of men, believed to be poachers, smiling and laughing as they parade the dead corpse of a rare clouded leopard killed in its natural habitat.

Credit: AsiaWire
The unidentified men in the photos can be seen holding up and displaying a dead clouded leopard

The shocking photos were shared on social media by netizen ‘Max Mantra’ who said they were taken in Tampin in the western Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan.

However, reports said that the photos were quickly deleted along with the user’s social media account.

Netizen ‘Siva Nadarajan’ managed to make screenshots which he posted to a Facebook hiking group he is a member of.

Photos show a group of unidentified men posing with a dead clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa).

According to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the clouded leopard is considered ‘vulnerable’.

Credit: AsiaWire
The amused men posed with the leopard

Several men in blue uniforms, with one seen wearing an orange beret, are seen in the background of one of the photos.

According to Nadarajan, these men were from the Malaysian Civil Defence Force.

Nadarajan said in his post that he tried to call the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia about the incident, but the governmental organisation told him that “everyone has gone home” and he could not make the complaint.

It is unclear whether he tried to report the poachers again.

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Story By: Lee BullenSub-EditorJoseph Golder,  Agency: Asia Wire Report


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