Driver Rescues Dog After It Was Dragged Behind Motorbike

This is the moment a biker dragging a dog behind his motorcycle is stopped by an angry driver who rescues the poor pooch to safety.

The incident was filmed by the angry motorist in the city of Tumbes in the north-western Peruvian region of the same name and was later shared on social media.

Credit: CEN

In the footage, the biker is seen dragging the dog behind his speeding motorcycle before being asked to pull over.

As the panting animal lies on the ground, the driver gets out of his car to confront the biker.

Credit: CEN
The onlooker untying the dog from the motorcycle

He then gets into the man’s face before untying the animal and leading it away.

The unnamed rescuer told local media that the dog had been dragged behind the motorbike for several blocks so he decided to intervene.

Reports said that the biker tried to justify his actions by claiming that the dog bit a passerby and he was punishing it as a result.

The biker allowed his dog to be taken away before fleeing the scene, according to local media.

Credit: CEN
The onlooker taking the dog to safety

Meanwhile, the rescuer told local media that the dog has since been adopted by one of his friends who “has a big villa and will give care and affection to the animal”.

In Peru, animal abuse cases can be punished with between three and five years in prison as well as a lifetime ban of ever owning a pet again.

It is unclear whether the local authorities are trying to track down the biker.

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Story By: Jonathan MaciasSub-EditorJoseph Golder, Agency: Central European News

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