This is the moment a carefree deer runs across a deserted French beach during COVID-19 lockdown to enjoy a dip in the sea before sprinting back to where it came from.
The incident was filmed by resident Virginie Gourin in the village of Kerjouanno in the north-western French department of Morbihan during COVID-19 lockdown.
In three videos shared on Facebook and viewed 233,000, 45,000 and 63,000 times respectively, the deer is seen running across a golden beach to enjoy a dip in the sea before sprinting back to where it came from.
Virginie told Newsflash that she had filmed the deer from her balcony “at home in Brittany” while self-isolating during the pandemic.
She wrote: “The miracle of confinement! The animals are taking back control and are very happy that we are locked up at home.
“The deer swam out very far and we were worried it wouldn’t come back.
“After an hour or so of breaststroke, it came back to the rocks and ran across the beach.”
One netizen said: “Yes, and we are only now beginning to realise how much we restrict the animals!”
Another online commentator wrote: “Animals are quickly returning to the way of life they were used to before humans came along and invaded everywhere.”
Deer takes bath Deer ‘jogging’ after taking a sea bath
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Story By: Ernest Bio Bogore, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
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