Australia Sydney WorldPride Kylie Minogue

Story by Ajda Ender

Sydney WorldPride showed the world Australia’s LGBTI Rights and Human Rights.

Sydney WorldPride is a human rights protest against the oppression of heterosexist, heteropatriarchy societies.

The Australian Sydney WorldPride event was a human rights and LGBTI Rights event.

Announcing the rights of LGBTI Individuals to the whole world with her Sydney WorldPride performance, Kylie Minogue showed respect for human rights to the world by supporting LGBTI Individuals.

Kylie Minogue announced the human rights of LGBTI Individuals to the world by performing at Sydney WorldPride.

Kylie Minogue performing at the Sydney WorldPride was a human rights show.

The Sydney WorldPride event was an LGBTI rights protest against the hate mentality of reactionary countries where human rights and LGBTI Rights violations are justified.

In reactionary countries where LGBTI individuals face toxic hate speech and physical hate attacks on the street, LGBTI individuals’ living spaces are condemned to reactionary mentality cages of socially and culturally underdeveloped countries and governments.

LGBTI individuals, who face psychological and physical attacks and violence in socially and culturally undeveloped families, are sentenced to domestic violence dungeon and exposed to violence by usurping their right to shelter.

In reactionary societies where the toxic hate perspective is dominant, the social harassment and violence of the police who commit hate crimes against LGBTI Individuals violates the social and life rights of LGBTI Individuals.

The sick behaviors of societies with a sick mentality that do not develop socially, culturally, mentally and behaviorally threaten the human rights of LGBTI Individuals.

Social violence, hate mentality, hate speech, hate crimes against LGBTI individuals are social diseases.

Transphobic LGBTI Enemy undeveloped, ignorant hate media drives the society to grudge and hatred against LGBTI Individuals in underdeveloped countries, and threatens the life rights of Trans Women and LGBTI Individuals.

Protesting, meeting and marching are social human rights.

People can protest and march as long as they do not create an event, a protest march is freedom of expression.

In world societies, people can hold rallies and marches without weapons, without attack, without committing a crime.

The rights of Trans Women and LGBTI Individuals to hold a Pride parade are being usurped.

It is a human right for Trans Women and LGBTI Individuals to make their gender identities visible at Pride parades in world societies.

In underdeveloped reactionary countries, the rights of LGBTI individuals to march in Pride are violated.

Society, police and courts cannot judge people because of their gender, they do not have the right to judge.

It is a crime against humanity that society, police and courts judge people because of their gender identity.

The progress of world societies is possible with the development of people and with people’s respect for their race and gender.

There is a hate perspective that does not produce a solution against violence and hate crimes committed against Trans Women and LGBTI Individuals in world societies.

In countries with a reactionary mindset, the hate perspective of the police and the courts is used as a weapon against LGBTI individuals.

Lawsuits are being filed against Trans Women and LGBTI individuals who were unlawfully arrested by the police during the Pride Parade.

Trans Women and LGBTI Individuals, who are unlawfully prosecuted in court for their participation in the Pride parade, are unlawfully tortured by the courts.

The abusive heterosexist family structure that threatens the world’s societies causes LGBTI individuals to be exposed to domestic violence.

Hate speech and domestic torture against LGBTI individuals in heterosexist families is the dark side of heterosexist family structure.

In countries condemned to an underdeveloped mentality, LGBTI individuals are faced with harassment and threats by the society in social life on the street.

LGBTI Individuals whose housing rights have been usurped cannot find a house to rent.

LGBTI Individuals right to live and shelter is being usurped by the heteropatriarchy society.

LGBTI individuals, who cannot benefit from their health rights, encounter sexist hate crimes and social violence by doctors, nurses and hospital staff when they go to the doctor or hospital.

In the ignorant governments of underdeveloped countries, which are condemned to the cage of reactionary mentality, LGBTI individuals are executed and face social torture.

Physical and psychological violence against LGBTI individuals in all areas of society is legitimized in underdeveloped societies.

It is undeveloped people, underdeveloped societies, sick people and societies that use hate as a weapon.

Violence against LGBTI individuals is the sick behavior of sick minds.

People who use violence against people because of their gender are hate criminals who have committed mental suicide.

Heteropatriarchy violence tortures LGBTI Individuals in communities around the world.

Violence against Trans Women, Women, LGBTI Individuals in world societies is a crime and perpetrators of violence should be punished by law.

Heteropatriarchy dominant societies that commit mental suicide create societies that commit hate crimes.

Transphobia and LGBTI hostility are threats and harassment from reactionary societies that commit mental suicide.

People who commit hate crimes are criminals of humanity who have mentally committed suicide.

Societies that commit hate crimes are societies that have committed mental suicide and are criminals against humanity.

Hate crimes are mental and behavioral illnesses.

LGBTI Rights are human rights.

Trans women’s rights are human rights. The rights to life are human rights.


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